Leo: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 549: Zeile 549:
|[[Dragon Tooth]]
|[[Dragon Tooth]]
|{{Description|Dragon Tooth}}
|{{Description|Dragon Tooth}}
|[[Monster]] drops in the [[Ginger Island|volcano]]
|[[Monster]] drops im Vulkan [[Vulkan-Dungeon|Vulkan]]
|[[File:Nautilus Shell.png|center]]
|[[File:Nautilus Shell.png|center]]

Version vom 26. Februar 2021, 14:13 Uhr

Rotten Plant.png  Warnung: Spoiler  Rotten Plant 2.png

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Geburtstag Summer.png Sommer 26
Lebt in Ingwerinsel
Adresse Hütte
Ehe Nein
Beste Geschenke Duck Feather.png EntenfederMango.png MangoOstrich Egg.png StraußeneiPoi.png Poi
Robin building.png
Ich habe noch eine Menge Arbeit vor mir
— Robin

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“One time... I was at the top of the volcano at night, and I saw lights far, far away. I wonder if there are other bird families out there?”
— Leo

Leo ist ein Junge, der zu Beginn auf der Ingwerinsel wohnt. Seine Eltern waren auf hoher See verschollen, and er sieht die Papageien auf der Insel als seine Familie. Zunächst ist er zu schüchtern, um mit dem Spieler zu reden, bis der Spieler sich mit den Papageien der Insel "anfreundet", indem er ihnen Goldene Walnüsse gibt. Dafür muss man dem ersten Papagei draußen bei der Schildkröte zehn Goldene Walnüsse geben.

Sobald der Spieler sechs Freundschaftsherzen mit Leo erreicht, zieht er aufs Festland im Sternentautal und freundet sich mit Linus, Jas, und Vincent an.


Weniger als 6 Herzen

Leo lebt auf der Ingwerinsel und verlässt diese nicht bis der Spieler 6 Freundschaftsherzen mit ihm erreicht hat.

9:00 Uhr In seiner Hütte
11:00 Uhr Steht vor dem Eingang seiner Hütte
14:00 Uhr Geht in seine Hütte zurück
21:00 Uhr Geht ins Bett
9:00 Uhr In seiner Hütte
10:30 Uhr Geht zur Einbuchtung im Süden der Insel, steht Nahe zu dem Eingang der Südost Insel
13:30 Uhr Geht in den Jungel außerhalb seiner Hütte (Insel Ost), steht in der Nähe in der südwestlichen Ecke
17:00 Uhr Geht zur nördlichen Insel, steht rechts neben den Papageienverkäufer
20:00 Uhr Geht nach Hause ins Bett
9:00 Uhr In seiner Hütte
9:30 Uhr Geht zu dem Bananenschrein durch den versteckten Durchgang im Osten des Jungels
14:00 Uhr Steht vor dem Eingang seiner Hütte
17:00 Uhr Betritt seine Hütte
21:00pm Geht ins Bett
Normaler Tagesablauf
9:00 Uhr In seiner Hütte
10:30 Uhr Steht vor dem Eingang seiner Hütte
12:00 Uhr Geht zur Einbuchtung im Süden der Insel, steht in der Nordwestlichen Ecke neben dem Papageienhochsitz
15:00 Uhr Geht zur Nordinsel, steht in der nordwestlichen Ecke der Karte, westlich vom Vulkaneingang
20:00 Uhr Geht zurück nach Hause und geht ins Bett

6+ Hearts

Leo lives in a treehouse in The Mountain, and visits Ingwerinsel on Sundays and some Mondays.

Spring.png Frühling


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Tuesday and Wednesday

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Thursday and Friday

Time Location
6:30am In his treehouse
7:00am Stands to the right of his treehouse
9:30am Stands to the west of the mountain lake
2:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut
Summer.png Sommer


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Tuesday and Wednesday

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Thursday and Friday

Time Location
6:30am Stands outside of his treehouse
9:40am Stands on the west edge of the mountain lake
1:00pm Walks around the tree to the southwest of the mountain lake
4:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut
Fall.png Herbst


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Tuesday and Wednesday

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Thursday and Friday

Time Location
7:00am In his treehouse
7:40am Stands to the right of his treehouse
9:00am Stands south of the community center
2:00pm Stands to the west of the mountain lake
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut
Winter.png Winter

Winter 15

Time Location
11:00am Walks to Linus’ tent and stands outside the entrance
4:00pm Walks to the Nachtmarkt
11:30pm Goes home to bed


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Tuesday and Wednesday

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Thursday and Friday

Time Location
11:00am Stands to the right of his treehouse
2:00pm Reads books in the museum library
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut


Time Location
7:00am In his treehouse
10:00am Visits Linus’ tent
3:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

9th & 25th of any season (when you have fewer than 6 hearts with Sam)

Time Location
6:30am In his treehouse
7:00am Stands to the right of his treehouse
9:30am Stands to the west of the mountain lake
2:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed



Hauptartikel: Freundschaft
Siehe auch: Liste aller Geschenke

Du kannst Leo bis zu zwei Geschenke pro Woche geben (plus eines an seinem Geburtstag), die deine Freundschaft mit ihm erhöht oder senkt. Geschenke zu seinem Geburtstag (Summer.png 26 Sommer) haben 8-fache Wirkung und lösen einen einzigartigen Dialog aus.
Bei beliebten oder gemochten Geschenken wird Leo sagen:

“Ein Geburtstagsgeschenk? Das ist sehr nett von dir! Ich liebe es.”
“Du hast dich an meinen Geburtstag erinnert! Das freut mich, danke.”

Bei neutralen Geschenken wird Leo sagen:

“Oh, ein Geburtstagsgeschenk! Danke.”

Bei unbeliebten oder gehaßten Geschenken wird Leo sagen:

“Oh... Das ist für meinen Geburtstag? ... Danke.”


“I love this. I'm going to put it in my nest.”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Happy.png
Duck Feather.png
Entenfeder Schau dir die Farben an. Ente
Mango Eine große, süße tropische Frucht mit einzigartigem Geschmack. Mango Tree
Ostrich Egg.png
Ostrich Egg Es ist möglicherweise das größte Ei der Welt. Ostrich
Poi Ein traditionelles Essen mit einem delikaten, süßen Geschmack, wenn es frisch verzehrt wird. Kochen


“Are you sure? This is so nice...”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Happy.png
Dragon Tooth.png
Dragon Tooth Gerüchten zufolge handelt es sich dabei um die Zähne alter Schlangen. Der Zahnschmelz besteht aus reinem Iridium! Monster drops im Vulkan Vulkan
Nautilus Shell.png
Nautilusmuschel Eine sehr alte Muschelschale. Sammeln
Quarz Ein klarer Kristall, der häufig in Höhlen und Minen gefunden wird. Sammeln - Minen
Rainbow Shell.png
Regenbogenmuschel Eine wunderschöne Muschelschale. Sammeln
Sea Urchin.png
Seeigel Eine langsame, stachlige Kreatur, die von manchen als Delikatesse angesehen wird. Sammeln
Spice Berry.png
Gewürzbeere Füllt die Luft mit einem penetranten Aroma. Sammeln


“I accept your gift.”
Image Name Description Source

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“Oh... I don't know if I can digest this...”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Concerned.png
Chanterelle Ein leckerer Pilz mit fruchtigem Duft und leicht pfeffrigem Geschmack. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Leicht nussig und von guter Konsistenz. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Eine traditionelle Frühlingsblume, die ein nettes Geschenk abgibt. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Nicht die schönste Blume, aber die Blätter geben einen guten Salat ab. Foraging - Spring
Ginger Diese scharfe, würzige Wurzel soll die Vitalität steigern. Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut Das ist eine große Haselnuss! Foraging - Fall
Leek Ein leckerer Verwandter der Zwiebel. Foraging - Spring
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap Ein sehr seltener Pilz, der neben Lavatümpeln lebt. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Pickles Ein Glas selbst eingelegtes Gemüse. Preserves Jar
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Ein seltener Pilz, der tief in den Höhlen zu finden ist. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry Eine Frühlingsbeere mit dem Geschmack des Waldes. Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Diese kleine Süßkartoffel hat sich unter dem Schnee versteckt. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Würzige Wurzeln, die im Frühling gefunden werden können. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Eine stärkehaltige Knolle. Foraging - Winter


“*sniff* *sniff*... Why are you giving this to me? Do you want me to bury it for you?”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Concerned.png
Beer In Maßen genießen. Keg
Holly Die Blätter und grellroten Beeren sind eine beliebte Winterdekoration. Foraging
Hops Eine bittere, würzige Blume, die Bier seinen Geschmack verleiht. Crops
Mead Gegärtes Getränk aus Honig. In Maßen trinken. Keg
Morel Begehrt für ihren einzigartigen, nussigen Geschmack. Foraging
Oil Allzweck-Kochöl. Oil Maker
Pale Ale.png
Pale Ale In Maßen genießen. Keg
Piña Colada.png
Piña Colada Getränk in Maßen genießen. The Beach Resort on Ginger Island
Triple Shot Espresso.png
Triple Shot Espresso Er ist stärker als normaler Kaffee! Cooking
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Reis in seiner rohesten Form. Führen Sie dies durch eine Mühle, um den Wert zu erhöhen. Crops
Wine In Maßen genießen. Keg

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter Island West on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

The player is standing by the shore when Leo approaches them from behind. He asks what the player is doing.

Leo then asks what the player's home is like.

  • There's a town full of people. (Keine Wirkung auf Freundschaft.)
  • There's forests, beaches, and mountains. (Keine Wirkung auf Freundschaft.)
  • It's like here, but colder. (Keine Wirkung auf Freundschaft.)
  • I live on a farm. (Keine Wirkung auf Freundschaft.)

Leo thinks about your words for a bit before asking if there are any kids in Pelican Town

Regardless of the answer, Leo says he's aware he's not really a bird, and he tries to avoid thinking about it because it makes him feel lonely. He tries to fit in with the parrots, but knows he truly doesn't belong anywhere. He runs off before Willy enters the scene.

Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

After reaching three hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Poi (Player name),

Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.

Four Hearts

Four Hearts.png

Enter Island North on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

The player approaches Leo from behind. Leo squawks like a parrot and startles the player, which startles Leo in turn. Leo then apologizes and explains that he has difficulty communicating using words, then asks the player if they find him weird. Leo wonders about the differences in his life if he hadn't been washed ashore and wonders about what "normal kids" would have to say about him. Leo then asks the player if they think he could ever be a normal kid again. After the player answers, he states that he's happy he met the parrots regardless, and that he will always consider them family no matter what. Leo thanks the player for talking to him and says that the player may be a part of his family too, someday. He then teaches the player how to say "let's play" in parrot-talk.

Note that none of the dialogue options in this cutscene affect friendship with Leo.

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Island South on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

Linus invites Leo to move to the mainland of Stardew Valley. Willy says that there are other children there, and Leo can visit Ginger Island anytime he wants to. Willy asks the player what they think. (Choices have no effect on friendship).

Leo decides to move to Stardew Valley. That night, parrots build him a treehouse in the tree to the left of Linus' tent.

Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching seven hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Mango Sticky Rice.png
Mango Sticky Rice (Player name),

Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.

Nine Hearts

Nine Hearts.png

Enter the Mountain on a non-rainy day between 6am and 7pm

Leo is shown adjusting well to life in Stardew Valley. He is seen cooking a bean hotpot with Linus on the campfire. In the next scene, he is at school at the library/museum with Penny, Vincent and Jas answering a question correctly. Another scene shows him fishing with Willy. The scene after has him watching Jas from the bushes in the playground, and running away when she notices. He arrives home at the treehouse and talks to his parrot friend about how good his day was, but he still misses Ginger Island.



  • 1.5: Introduced.