Robin building.png
Ich habe noch eine Menge Arbeit vor mir
— Robin

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Brija am 28. Feb. 2018 um 13:38:45.

Hält deine Tiere im Winter warm und glücklich.
Vorgehende Stufe: N/A
Nächste Stufe: N/A
Kosten: data-sort-value="2000">Gold.png2.000 G

Das Heizgerät ist ein Werkzeug um Tiere warm und glücklich während des Winters zu halten. It can be purchased from Marnie for data-sort-value="2000">Gold.png2.000 G. A heater is the reward for completing the Bundle Yellow.png Futterbündel am Schwarzen Brett.

A heater has an effect on animal Mood (which is different than Friendship) during the Winter when an animal is inside a barn or coop past 6PM, and the animal has 150 mood or above. Only a single heater is required to have an effect, additional heaters provide no additional benefit.

If the animal is able to enter a building with a heater without being trapped outside, they will gain 10 mood every 10 in-game minutes past 6PM, up to the maximum value of 255, or until the Farmer goes to sleep.