Robin building.png
Ich habe noch eine Menge Arbeit vor mir
— Robin

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Bündel sind Gemeinschaftsprojekte der Junimos nachdem der Spieler die Goldene Tafel im Community Center entdeckt hat. Mit den angeforderten Angeboten kann jedes Bündel mit Gegenständen aus dem Spiel ergänzt werden.

Wenn der Spieler eine Joja Markt Mitgliedschaft kauft, wird das Community Center sofort zu einem Joja Warenhaus, danach werden die Bündel von der Joja Corporation für eine Gebühr an Morris über die Joja Community Development Form Komplettiert.

Einige Bündel zeigen mehr Gegenstände als Plätze zum füllen vorhanden sind (z.B. Handwerker Bündel: 12 Gegenstände und nur 6 Plätze zu füllen). Diese Bündel benötigen nicht alle Gegenstände zum Komplettieren.

Sind alle Bündel Komplett, wird das Community Center wieder komplett repariert. Dies schaltet den Local Legend Erfolg und eine Zwischensequenz frei.


Die meisten Gegenstände, für die Bündel findet man beim Reisewagen zu Kaufen. Die folgenden Gegenstände werden nie Verkauft:

  • Melon.png Melone (Gold Qualität)
  • Pumpkin.png Kürbis (Gold Qualität)
  • Corn.png Mais (Gold Qualität)
  • Earth Crystal.png Erdkristall
  • Frozen Tear.png Gefrorene Träne
  • Fire Quartz.png Feuerquarz
  • Frozen Geode.png Gefrorene Geode
  • Hay.png Heu


The Crafts Room contains the first group of bundles available. These bundles are completed by collecting foraged items. For each season there are unique plants to forage, all of which are required to complete that season's bundle. The bundles range from basic wood and stone to exotic and rare foraged items.

Completing the Crafts Room bundles repairs the bridge east of mines, giving you access to the quarry.

Belohnung: Brückenreparatur
  Sammeln (Frühling)
  Wilder Meerrettich Sammeln im Frühling.
  Narzisse Sammeln im Frühling. Kann in Pierre's Shop wärend Flower Dance gekauft werden.
  Lauch Sammeln im Frühling.
  Löwenzahn Sammeln im Frühling. Kann in Pierre's Shop wärend Flower Dance gekauft werden.
  Belohnung:   Frühlings Samen (30)
  Sammeln (Sommer)
  Weintraube Sammeln im Sommer.
  Gewürzbeere Sammeln im Sommer.
  Edelwicke Sammeln im Sommer.
  Reward:   Sommersaat (30)
  Sammeln (Herbst)
  Gewöhnlicher Pilz Sammeln im Herbst Or if you have the mushroom in your cave.
  Wildpflaume Sammeln im Herbst.
  Haselnuss Sammeln im Herbst.
  Brombeere Sammeln im Herbst.
  Reward:   Herbstsaat (30)
  Sammeln (Winter)
  Winterwurzel Sammeln im Winter or dropped by slimes on 41-79 Mines levels.
  Kristallfrucht Sammeln im Winter or dropped by coal sprites on 41-79 Mines levels.
  Schnee-Süßkartoffel Sammeln im Winter (Using a Vorlage:ItemLink outside the farm).
  Krokus Sammeln im Winter.
  Reward:   Wintersaat (30)
  Holz (99) Chopping trees or logs using an axe.
  Holz (99) Chopping trees or logs using an axe.
  Stein (99) Smashing stones with a pickaxe.
  Hartholz (10) Chopping large stumps and/or logs with an upgraded axe. Also in crates in the Mines
  Reward:   Charcoal Kiln
  Sammeln (Exoten)
  Kokusnuss Found in the desert.
  Kaktus-Frucht Found in the desert.
  Höhlenkarotte In boxes inside the mines or using the hoe on soil spots in the Mines.
  Roter Pilz Can be found in the mines or in the farm cave if you selected the mushroom perk.
  Violetter Pilz Can be found in the mines or in the farm cave if you selected the mushroom perk. Can also grow on the Forest Farm Map during the fall.
  Ahornsirup Harvested from maple trees using a Tapper.
  Eichenharz Harvested from oak trees using a Tapper.
  Kiefernteer Harvested from pine trees using a Tapper.
  Morchel In the farm cave if you selected the mushroom perk, or via Sammeln at Secret Woods in the Spring.
  Reward:   Autumn's Bounty (5)


The Pantry appears after completing one bundle. These bundles are completed by collecting crops. You have to grow several farm crops for spring, summer, and fall to complete three of the bundles. There are also bundles for Artisan Goods, highest quality crops, and animal products such as milk and eggs.

Completing the Pantry bundles rebuilds the dilapidated Greenhouse on your farm back to brand new. The Greenhouse allows for crops inside it to grow year round, never dying to seasonal changes.

Collection Reward: Greenhouse
  Nutzpflanzen (Frühling)
  Pastinake Crops wärend dem Frühling.
  Grüne Bohne Crops wärend dem Frühling.
  Blumenkohl Crops wärend dem Frühling.
  Kartoffel Crops wärend dem Frühling.
  Reward:   Geschwind-Wachs (20)
  Nutzpflanzen (Sommer)
  Tomate Crops wärend dem Sommer.
  Pepperoni Crops wärend dem Sommer.
  Blaubeere Crops wärend dem Sommer.
  Melone Crops wärend dem Sommer.
  Reward:   Quality Sprinkler
  Nutzpflanzen (Herbst)
  Mais Crops wärend dem Sommer and Fall.
  Aubergine Crops during Fall.
  Kürbis Crops during Fall.
  Süßkartoffel Crops during Fall.
  Reward:   Bee House
  Nutzpflanzen (Qualität)
Pastinake (5)
Crops wärend dem Frühling. Must be gold quality.
Melone (5)
Crops wärend dem Sommer. Must be gold quality.
Kürbis (5)
Crops during Fall. Must be gold quality.
Mais (5)
Crops wärend dem Sommer and Fall. Must be gold quality.
  Reward:   Preserves Jar
  Große Milch Cows
  Großes Ei (Braun) Chickens
  Großes Ei Chickens
  Gr. Ziegenmilch Goats
  Wolle Sheep, Rabbits
  Entenei Ducks
  Reward:   Cheese Press
  Trüffelöl Made from Truffles. Requires Oil Maker
  Stoff Made from Wool. Requires Loom. Can also be rarely obtained by Recycling Soggy Newspaper.
  Ziegenkäse Made from Goat Milk. Requires Cheese Press.
  Käse Made from Cow Milk. Requires Cheese Press.
  Honig Produced by Bees. Requires Bee House.
  Gelee Made from any Fruit. Requires Preserves Jar.
  Apfel Gathered from Apple Trees during Fall or found in farm cave if fruit perk selected..
  Aprikose Gathered from Apricot Trees wärend dem Frühling or found in farm cave if fruit perk selected..
  Orange Gathered from Orange Trees wärend dem Sommer or found in farm cave if fruit perk selected.
  Pfirsich Gathered from Peach Trees wärend dem Sommer.
  Granatapfel Gathered from Pomegranate Trees during Fall.
  Kirsche Gathered from Cherry Trees wärend dem Frühling or found in farm cave if fruit perk selected.
  Reward:   Keg


The Fish Tank appears after completing one bundle. These bundles are completed by collecting fish. This requires catching fish with a Rod or Crab Pot. Different fish can be caught in lakes, rivers, and oceans, as well as different times of day and year. Note: It may not be possible to finish the Specialty Fish Bundle before finishing the entire Vault section, as you need access to the Desert to get a Sandfish, unless it becomes available at the Traveling Cart. Completing the Fish Tank bundles removes the Glittering Boulder next to the mine entrance. Willy will give the player a Copper Pan which can be used to collect ore from lakes and rivers.

Collection Reward: Glittering Boulder Removed
  Gottesfisch Found in Rivers, Daytime, Spring, and Summer.
  Katzenfisch Found in Rivers, Anytime, Spring and Fall. Only when raining.
  Blaubarsch Found in Rivers, Anytime, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Only when raining.
  Tigerforelle Found in Rivers, Daytime (Early afternoon), Fall and Winter.
  Reward:   Köder (30)
  Forellenbarsch Found in Lakes, Daytime, All Seasons.
  Karpfen Found in Lakes, Anytime, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
  Zwergwels Found in Lakes, Anytime, All Seasons.
  Stör Found in Lakes, Daytime, Summer and Winter.
  Reward:   Dressed Spinner
  Sardine Found in the Ocean, Daytime, Spring, Fall, and Winter.
  Thunfisch Found in the Ocean, Daytime, Summer and Winter.
  Riffbarsch Found in the Ocean, Daytime, Summer and Fall. Only when raining.
  Buntbarsch Found in the Ocean, Daytime, Summer and Fall.
  Reward:   Teleport-Totem: Strand (5)
  Glasaugenbarsch Found in Rivers, Fall. Only when raining.
  Brachse Found in Rivers, Nighttime, All Seasons.
  Aal Found in the Ocean, Nighttime, Spring or Fall. Only when raining.
  Reward:   Small Glow Ring
  Hummer Gathered from Crab Pots.
  Flusskrebs Gathered from Crab Pots.
  Krabbe Gathered from Crab Pots. Also drops from killing hermit crabs in The Mines.
  Herzmuschel Gathered from Crab Pots. Can be foraged from areas with sand.
  Miesmuschel Gathered from Crab Pots. Can be foraged from areas with sand.
  Garnele Gathered from Crab Pots.
  Schnecke Gathered from Crab Pots.
  Strandschnecke Gathered from Crab Pots.
  Auster Gathered from Crab Pots. Can be foraged from areas with sand.
  Vernusmuschel Gathered from Crab Pots. Can be foraged from areas with sand.
  Reward:   Krabbenreuse (3)
  Kugelfisch Found in the Ocean, Early Afternoon, Summer.
  Indischer Glaswels Found in ponds in The Mines, Anytime, All Seasons. May also be dropped by Ghosts.
  Sandfisch Found in the pond at Calico Desert.
  Waldspringer Found in the Secret Woods, Anytime, All Seasons.
  Reward:   Matrosenteller (5)


The Boiler Room appears after completing two bundles.

Completing the Boiler Room bundles repairs the Mine Carts, allowing the player to fast travel between distant locations in Pelican Town.

Collection Reward: Mine Carts Repaired
  Kupferbarren Smelting Copper Ore in the furnace.
  Eisenbarren Smelting Iron Ore in the furnace.
  Goldbarren Smelting Gold Ore in the furnace.
  Reward:   Furnace
  Quarz Found on all levels of The Mines and in geodes.
  Erdkristall Found on levels 1 - 39 of The Mines and in geodes.
  Gefrorene Träne Found on levels 40 - 79 of The Mines and in geodes.
  Feuer-Quarz Found on levels 80 - 120 of The Mines and in magma geodes.
  Reward:   Omni-Geode (5)
  Schleim (99) Dropped by Slimes in The Mines.
  Fledermausflügel (10) Dropped by Bats in The Mines.
  Solar-Essenz Dropped by Ghosts in The Mines.
  Void-Essenz Dropped by Shadow Brutes in The Mines.
  Reward:   Small Magnet Ring

Schwarzes Brett

The Bulletin Board appears after completing three bundles.

Completing the Bulletin Board bundles improves the player's friendship rating with every non marriage candidate villager by two hearts. The morning after, Mayor Lewis will send you a mail saying that all the villagers have been getting items they have wanted for years that they posted on the bulletin board in the community center. He exclaims his gratitude of all your hard work.

Collection Reward: Friendship
  Ahornsirup Harvested from maple trees using a Tapper.
  Straußfarn Found in the Secret Woods during Summer.
  Trüffel Found by pigs while grazing outdoors.
  Mohn Crops wärend dem Sommer.
  Maki-Rolle Acquired by Cooking (recipe necessary).
  Spiegelei Acquired by Cooking (recipe necessary).
  Reward:   Pinke Torte (x3)
  Roter Pilz Found by chopping down giant mushrooms on the farm, by harvesting in The Cave if you chose the mushroom upgrade for it, or by foraging in the mines. (Frequent in depths 105 to 120)
  Seeigel Can be foraged on the far right side of the beach, accessible after using 300 wood to fix the bridge.
  Sonnenblume Crops wärend dem Sommer and Fall.
  Entenfeder Produced by ducks in the coop (similar to how chickens and ducks lay eggs)
  Aquamarin Can be found in stones and boxes in The Mines.
  Rotkohl Crops during the Summer. Seeds can be purchased from Pierre's Year 2 and onward.
  Reward:   Seed Maker
  Violetter Pilz Can be found deep in The Mines (83+) Can also be foraged from the Mushroom Cave if you chose that upgrade.
  Nautilus Muschel Note: The bundle wants the shell found by foraging on the beach in Winter, NOT the Nautilus Fossil artifact.
  Kaulbarsch Can be found in the mountain lake and river during all seasons.
  Gefrorene Geode Found on levels 40-79 of The Mines.
  Reward:   Recycling Machine
  Weizen (10) Crops wärend dem Sommer and Fall.
  Heu (10) Purchased from Marnie at The Ranch or created by using the sickle on grass once you have a silo.
  Apfel (3) Gathered from Apple Trees during Fall.
  Reward:   Heater
  Eichenharz Harvested from oak trees using a Tapper.
  Wein Produced by putting most fruits into a keg.
  Hasenfuß Dropped by Rabbits in the Coop, also dropped by a Serpent in Skull Cavern (0.8%).
  Granatapfel Produced by Pomegranate Trees during Fall
  Reward:   Goldbarren (5)


The Vault becomes available after completing four bundles. Each bundle in the vault simply requires gold to complete, and the item slots are replaced with a large purchase button. Pressing 'purchase' will complete the bundle and deduct the gold from the player's total, provided they have enough.

Completing the Vault bundles, costing a total of data-sort-value="42500"> 42.500 G, repairs the Bus on the road between your farm and Pelican Town. Taking the Bus grants access to the Calico Desert.

Collection Reward: Bus Repair
  2.500 G
data-sort-value="2500"> 2.500 G Collect 2,500 G and turn in.
  Reward:   Schokoladentorte (3)
  5.000 G
data-sort-value="5000"> 5.000 G Collect 5,000 G and turn in.
  Reward:   Qualitätsdünger (30)
  10.000 G
data-sort-value="10000"> 10.000 G Collect 10,000 G and turn in.
  Reward:   Lightning Rod
  25.000 G
data-sort-value="25000"> 25.000 G Collect 25,000 G and turn in.
  Reward:   Crystalarium