Reise des Prärie-Königs

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Ich habe noch eine Menge Arbeit vor mir
— Robin

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Georges Opa am 18. Mai 2019 um 17:01:27.

Reise des Prärie-Königs ist ein an Smash-TV angelehntes Minispiel, das am linken der beiden Arcade-Automaten in der Kneipe zum Sternenfall gespielt werden kann. Schaffst du das Spiel, erhältst du einen weiteren Arcade-Automaten, den du in deinem Haus platzieren kannst. So kannst du auch dort das Minispiel spielen. Abigail hat ebenfalls eine Version des Spiels Reise des Prärie-Königs für ihre Konsole. Sie spielt es während ihres zwei-Herzen-Events. Die zufälligen Ereignisse im Spiel werden nicht vom Glück beeinflusst.

Hinweis: Kein im Spiel Reise des Prärie-Königs auftauchender Gegner/auftauchendes Power-Up wird im Spiel benannt. Ihre Namen wurden ausschließlich von der Stardew Valley-Community vergeben.


Reise des Prärie-Königs ist ein Top-Down-Shooter, so ähnlich wie der "Twin-Stick-Shooter" Smash TV. Mit WASD lässt sich der spielbare Charakter bewegen - schießen kann man mit . Diagonales Schießen und Laufen ist ebenfalls möglich durch das Kombinieren zweier Tasten (z.B. W und A -> oben links).

Zum Spielbeginn hast du vier Leben (oben links angezeigt als x3) und dein Charakter verliert eines der Leben, sobald du einen Gegner oder ein Geschoss berührst. Wenn du dein letztes Leben verlierst (von x0 zu x-1), ist das Spiel vorbei (Game Over). In jedem der Level zählt ein Countdown (sichtbar als Streifen am oberen Bildrand) herunter, während die Gegner von allen Seiten kommen und dich angreifen. Nachdem der Countdown bei 0 angelangt ist, erscheinen keine Gegner mehr und du kannst den nächsten Bereich betreten.

Manchmal hinterlassen Gegner nach ihrem Tod Power Ups, sowie Münzen und Bonusleben. Du kannst maximal ein Power Up gleichzeitig halten. Dieses Power Up erscheint oben links, nachdem du es eingesammelt hast. Aktiviere es, indem du Space drückst. Wenn du ein weiteres Power Up einsammelst, obwohl du dein letztes noch nicht eingesetzt hast, wird das neue Power Up sofort aktiviert. Alle Power Ups halten nur eine begrenzte Zeit.

Jedes Stage endet mit einem Bosskampf. Hierbei hat der Boss viele Leben und schießt auf dich.

Power Ups

Image Name Description
JOPKCoin1.png 1 Münze Zählt eine Münze für dein Münzenkonto
JOPKCoin5.png 5 Münzen Zählt fünf Münzen für dein Münzenkonto. Extrem selten.
JOPK Life.png Bonusleben Deine Leben werden um 1 erhöht.
JOPK Coffee.png Kaffee Erhöht dein Lauftempo.
JOPK MachineGun.png Schweres Maschinengewehr Erhöht die Schussrate erheblich
JOPK Nuke.png Nuke Tötet alle Gegner, die sich momentan auf dem Bildschirm befinden. Auf diese Weise getötete Gegner hinterlassen keine Power Ups.
JOPK Shotgun.png Shotgun Feuert drei Geschosse in Kegelform auf einmal. Dadurch sinkt die Feuerrate leicht.
JOPK SmokeBomb.png Rauchbombe Teleportiert deinen Charakter an einen zufälligen Ort auf dem Bildschirm. Die Gegner auf dem Bildschirm werden kurz eingefroren. Solange haben sie ein Fragezeichen über ihrem Kopf.
JOPK Star.png Sheriff-Abzeichen Increases your fire rate, increases your movement speed, and causes you to fire in a cone. Effectively combines the machine gun, shotgun and coffee into one convenient, deadly pickup. However, fire-rate and movement speed bonuses are slightly lower than from coffee/machine gun. With max boots and gun, the bonuses given from this item are only minimal.
JOPK Tombstone.png Tombstone A bolt of lightning strikes your character, turning you into a zombie for a brief amount of time. You gain movement speed and kill on contact, enemies flee from you, and a brief music clip plays. This form lasts as long as the music plays. You can still shoot as per usual in this form. (Note: This powerup does not protect you from bullets fired by bosses.)
JOPK Wheel.png Wheel Your shots fire in 8 directions at once.


A Vendor appears after you complete certain levels and will present you with three upgrades that you can purchase with coins dropped by enemies (see above). You can only purchase one item per visit, and the items in each slot are always presented in the same order, requiring you to purchase the first item in that slot before the next one is shown in a later level, etc. (For example, you must first purchase both boots upgrades before you can purchase an extra life from the first slot.)

The Vendor appears at the end of every second level: 1-2, 1-4, 2-1, 2-3, 3-1 and 3-3.

Vendor Slot Image Name Purchase Price Description
1 JOPK Boots1.png Boots data-sort-value="8">JOPKCoin1.png8 Upgrades movement speed.
JOPK Boots2.png data-sort-value="20">JOPKCoin1.png20
JOPK Life.png Extra Life data-sort-value="10">JOPKCoin1.png10 Get an Extra Life. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
2 JOPK Gun1.png Gun data-sort-value="10">JOPKCoin1.png10 Increases shooting speed.
JOPK Gun2.png data-sort-value="20">JOPKCoin1.png20
JOPK Gun3.png data-sort-value="30">JOPKCoin1.png30
JOPK Gun4.png Super-Gun data-sort-value="99">JOPKCoin1.png99 You will get the Shotgun spread permanently without the fire-rate debuff. Will also be shown as a 4th icon on the left, on top of the other 3.
JOPK Star.png Sheriff Badge data-sort-value="10">JOPKCoin1.png10 Get a Sheriff Badge. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
3 JOPK Ammo1.png Ammo data-sort-value="15">JOPKCoin1.png15 Increases bullet damage to 2 / 3 / 4. Bullets gain penetration, such that if a bullet destroys an enemy with damage left over, it will keep going until its damage is depleted, allowing you to kill at least two weak enemies with one bullet.
JOPK Ammo2.png data-sort-value="30">JOPKCoin1.png30
JOPK Ammo3.png data-sort-value="45">JOPKCoin1.png45
JOPK Star.png Sheriff Badge data-sort-value="10">JOPKCoin1.png10 Get a Sheriff Badge. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.


Image Name HP Description Appears in
Baddy1.gif Orc 1 The weakest enemy. Walks slowly towards the player, often spawning in large numbers. Stage 1 (areas 1-4)
Baddy7.gif Spikeball 2 while active, 6 while deployed Enters the area, walks to a random location, and deploys into an armored spikeball. While they can kill the player, whether deployed or undeployed, it can be beneficial to leave some around for crowd control, as they block enemy movement. If time has run out and the only remaining enemies are spikeballs, they will die in one hit. Stage 1 (areas 2-4)
Baddy3.gif Ogre 3 Moves slowly, but soaks up damage. Destroys spikeballs on contact. Stage 1 (areas 3-4), Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
Baddy6.gif Mushroom 2 Moves quickly, running as fast as a player without speed upgrades. Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
Baddy2.gif Pixie 1 The first flying enemy. Can spawn anywhere on the perimeter and fly towards the player. Can also fly over obstacles. Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
Baddy4.gif Mummy 6 Moves slowly and soaks up a lot of damage. Spawns in large hordes. Stage 3 (areas 1-3)
Baddy5.gif Imp 3 A flying enemy that can spawn anywhere on the perimeter, seeking the player. Can fly over obstacles and is not distracted by the Bear or deterred by the Tombstone powerup. Stage 3 (areas 1-3)


Image Name HP Description Appears in
Baddy8.gif Bear Distracts enemies, drawing them towards it and killing them on impact. Does not harm the player and cannot be killed by the player. Disappears after it has fully crossed the screen.

If you are nice enough to them, they might carry you on a parade float upon your victory against a boss.



Image Name HP Description Appears in
Boss1.gif Cowboy Both fights with the cowboy take place in open fields with little cover. The player and cowboy are separated by a ravine/river, which can only be crossed with a lucky smoke bomb. Although the cowboy can take quite a few bullets, you can still only take one before dying, requiring proficient evasion. The cowboy will run out of cover and shoot a volley of bullets upwards (sometimes matching your movements) before retreating back to cover. He often pauses behind cover, and sometimes outside of cover, allowing you to get some easy shots in. Upon dying, the boss drops an extra life, a bridge appears crossing the river, and a pickup appears allowing you to travel to the next stage. Stage 1 (area 5), Stage 2 (area 4)
Boss3.gif Fector Fector is the final boss and is significantly more difficult than the Cowboy. You can move anywhere on the screen in this stage, but Fector also moves around freely and can fire directly at you, as well as firing in eight directions (as with the Wheel powerup). As his health decreases, he starts summoning enemies to attack you and shield himself. Beating Fector finishes the Journey of the Prairie King game. Stage 3 (area 4)


Screenshots of each level
Stage Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Boss
Stage 1 - Prairie JOPK Level 1 1.png JOPK Level 1 2.png JOPK Level 1 3.png JOPK Level 1 4.png JOPK Level 1 5.png
Stage 2 - Forest JOPK Level 2 1.png JOPK Level 2 2.png JOPK Level 2 3.png - JOPK Level 2 4.png
Stage 3 - Graveyard JOPK Level 3 1.png JOPK Level 3 2.png JOPK Level 3 3.png - JOPK Level 3 4.png

Hard Mode

As of version 1.1, once you have beaten Journey of the Prairie King, you have the option to start over in a harder mode. You keep all of your upgrades and coins from before, but lives reset to the default "x3". Enemies spawn in greater numbers, some of them move faster, and they each have at least one extra hit point. Additionally, Imps now attack you in every level except boss stages, and extra lives drop far less often.


  • Once the player finds enough lost books, a book will be available in the northern end of the library that reads,

    "Journey of the Prairie King -- The Smash Hit Video Game! Did you know? Anyone who beats ' Journey of the Prairie King' is automatically entered into a drawing for a special prize! Did you know? The developer has stated that the protagonist is based on a real-life character... A true cowboy hero from a prairie-island in the Gem Sea!"

  • There is a bug in the game that prevents player progression under certain circumstances: If the nuke power-up is used during the first boss fight, the enemy will vanish from the screen but the stage will not end. Also occurs with the Tombstone power up and the last boss. This situation can be escaped from by hitting esc, which will close the game and return you to The Saloon.
  • Having both the wheel and shotgun powerup at the same time will result in you shooting a wheel of shotgun rounds (24 directions), which usually shreds everything in sight very quickly.
  • Zoom level also influences the portion of screen the arcade game takes up. Be sure to check this setting before playing.
  • The title of the game is most likely a reference to the River King games (a series of fishing RPGs made by Natsume, who also made the Harvest Moon series), specifically the Game Boy title released in the US as Legend of the River King.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: After beating the game, the player can play in Hard Mode.